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Pony Week Part 2

This is Part 2 of the Pony Week Chronicles!

Previously on Pony Week

Previously on our beloved week long holiday for equines, a pair of naughty Pinkie Pies rise at a Goodwill store. The unusual pair make a project on scratch that will symbolize how spooky and mysterious ponies can be. The project is shared, but where are all of the views? Ponies prove to be even cooler by making a Halloween soap opera! Ponies also seem to be really good at gymnastics! But now ponies are going to take their pony party further than ever!


Oct 17 Part 1

Water Buddies

It is now the week days again and slightly more than two weeks after I got G3 Pinkie Pie. My little sister Elizabeth was taking a bath, so I brought her three of my water themed ponies, A white pony with pink, orange and yellow hair named Summer Shores, a sickly blue pony with blonde hair named Bubble-cup and Sapphire Shores. A couple others came to enjoy the water as well. But instead of playing with the ponies, Elizabeth put them all up. That made the ponies very sad that they barely got to swim. I even commented what Elizabeth did seemed autistic. That was defiantly not a way to treat some sweet little ponies! Especially if they were trying to help entertain you.

“Mom, can the ponies use the bathwater?” I asked, I wanted the ponies to make up for all that time. “Ok” Mom said, I was so happy that my ponies got to have some fun. “Washed them all and lat them play in the water. They played games such as Seahorse and “Marco Pony”. I got out my camera to film the ponies on their bath time adventure!

I filmed the pretty ponies in action! Swoosh! The ponies swam and splashed in the tub. They went down the sloping edge of the tub. It made the perfect slide! Woosh! The ponies dove down and played a way! There was so much going on the tub. Later, I tried a MLP coloring book. I hid it from my little sister before she can destroy it.


Oct 19

The Pretty Pony

I was at class today, while all of the kids who were behind on their art, I drew some really cool drawings. The first drawing was a Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin surrounded by candies. Then came the real fun. I was goings to draw a really fancy pony! She will be covered with all of these designs. It separated the sections on her mane and her body. I had very little time so I tried to get in all of the details. I wasn't able to make a background and put in colors that weren’t black, but I was able to get the trickiest parts gone. Everyone admired the pony.


Oct 20


Today I finished coloring my pretty pony. I used all kinds of colors and worked very hard. I also cut her out and stored her until She is able to be stapled to the wall.

Later, my family and I went to the park. The ponies were also having a pony adventure. It was finally the first evening of Pony Week. The Pony Extremists were traveling to Pollymonth Stables, where all of the ponies are going to meet each other. They had a new pony they rescued earlier, her name was Serendipity. Serendipity was a cheerful purplish pink pony who was filled with energy. He loved to play and was very excited to find out what was going on. She claimed that she saw the Halloween Pony earlier.

The Pony Extremists saw the winged ponies Skywishes, a grey pony named Derpy, Rainbow Dash and a yellow pony with pink hair named Fluttershy. They wanted to stop by and wish the ponies a happy Pony week. But when the Pony Extremists introduced the ponies to Serendipity, things got a little overwhelming. serendipity was so curious about everything around her.

The ponies told her that they were searching for a lost group of ponies so they can come out and enjoy pony week. Serendipity wanted to join the pony adventure with her new friends. The ponies were going to tell her no, but the Pony Extremists wanted the ponies to get to know her better. Serendipity located the pony tribe in a tower. She was so excited to meet them! But the tribe on the other hand, was scared and confused and didn’t want to play.

Fluttershy wanted to slowly introduce the pony tribe to Pony Week, but the other ponies had their own ideas. Rainbow Dash performed her signature trick, the Sonic Rainboom, a rainbow shooter out of her tail. The cool trick was her specialty. It was even on her cutie mark! But the pony tribe was scared and overwhelmed. Skywishes introduced the pony tribe to slides. She made them slide down the biggest slide ever! But it was scary for the tribe and made them motion sick. Derpy ordered her favorite food for the ponies and called her dinner buddy, a blue stallion named Awesome Pony. They both loved pizza! At first it looked like a nice dinner would work, but the pizza-loving pair ordered to much pizza and burped and farted in everyone face!

Fluttershy kicked everyone off of the adventure and the scary experiences of the ponies made the tribe run away. The sad Skywishes, Derpy, Rainbow Dash and Serendipity reunited a while later. They helped the tribe get used to pony life and like Pony Week! Before they knew it, they also enjoyed a beginning party and shared a pizza!


Oct 21

The Dinner Party

Today was a dinner party for Mom and her friend, Rachel. They had wine, cheese and fruit. But it wasn’t just the ladies who were having dinner, the ponies also had a cool dinner as well! They were going to have pizza, juice and are going to have a delicious fancy ice cream desert to top it off! They were also going to meet pony celebrities! If the guest came as a trio, they will get a free meal.

This sounded like a good idea, but it was stressful and unfair for some ponies. Some of these ponies included Serendipity. She met Skywishes and her best friend Starlight Glimmer. They were figuring out who to bring as their third wheel, but it was hard to choose a pony they would like. “Can I complete your trio?” Asked Serendipity. Sadly, they picked a different pony.

Soon, the main six ran into a unusually sad Serendipity who is all alone. The mane six felt bad to just leave her and helped her find two pony friends. The ponies encounter two adult ponies on their mission. They were the Cocker family! Mr. Cocker is a yellow pony and Mrs. Cocker is a pretty red light pony. Can they invite Serendipity to eat with them? No! They were bringing their baby pony as the third wheel. The baby was a cute orange filly. Rainbow Dash glared at the baby pony as she cooed in her stroller.

Next, the pony friend encountered two teenage cool girl ponies. They were a pink pony with blue hair named Songster and a candy colored pony named Bon Bon. The two didn’t like the look of Serendipity’s cutie mark. They said it was “uncool”. The ponies were also not very nice. “I know two ponies who are very nice” said Fluttershy.

These ponies turned out to be a pair of purple unicorn twin named Flit and Glit. They were really friendly and they loved to talk to each other. It looked like Serendipity found a trio to be part of! The three talked to each other as they walked to the ballroom where the dinner will be hosted. Suddenly out of nowhere, some cute boy pony walked alone. Flit and Glit ditched Serendipity to try and both get the boy pony.

Serendipity walked away sadly and encountered two green boy ponies, one a 4 year old colt named LB and the other a 12 year old pony named BB, about her age. The two were making a fire near their house. Serendipity joined them and relaxed with them. Soon, the mane six caught up with the three. Serendipity told them that Flit and Glit ditched her and she was hanging out with LB and BB, who also couldn’t find a third pony to hang out with. The mane six got out some marshmallows to roast in the fire. They didn’t care about the free dinner deal anymore, they were happy that they were having a tasty dessert together.


Oct 26 P1

Pinkie Pie’s Adventure Part 1

I was going to go to school for the Halloween Party. Earlier this month, I changed my mind about my costume and I decided to just be a classic devil. Why I did that because I felt like I’ve gone overboard with the Naughty Pinkie Pie. The Pinkie Pie dress was also too frilly and itchy for me. So I got on my red wings and devil horns. I remembered that Pinkie Pie was as well part of my cool costume. She wasn’t in her wings yet, but I wanted to bring her. Since there was going to be a messy experiment at class with go, I braided her hair so it wouldn’t get away.

I took her into my grey car, it wasn’t the fanciest ride for such a pretty pony, but it was okay for her. Before we both knew it, we were near the school area for my Halloween class. It would be a second time a pony will ever set foot on my school or at least my ponies.


Cadence’s “Lovely” Wedding

A couple years ago, I was at the little kid’s explorer’s club. I was seven years old back then. I forgot the theme of the class, but I do remember seeing some classmate with a pony toy. This was the first time I saw someone sneak their ponies into school. Back then, I wasn’t interested in My Little Pony yet, but my little sister, who was 5 at the time, was interested in the sweet perky little ponies. The pony the girl was holding was this princess pony called Princess Cadence. She was a dark pink alicorn or “Princess Pony” with tai-colored hair. In simpler details, think of a Skywishes with both wings and a horn, they have almost the same color scheme. The pony was dressed up in a bridesmaid out fit. At the time, My Little Pony was making a ton of toys based of a two part special. It was called The Pony Wedding and it was about Princess Cadence getting married (And they later have a baby!). I hate this episode. To me it is scary and super inappropriate for a kids show. They talk about wedding and relationships. Even when I was little I hated the episode. Cadence was being mean and rude to everyone. To top it off “Cadence” reveled herself to be a zombie like monster and had the real Cadence trapped in a mine. This terrified me and Olivia when we were kids. And me and my sibling weren't alone. In reviews on special, parents reported that the stupid episode was scaring and giving their children nightmares as well.

Oct 26 P2

Pinkie Pie’s Adventure Part 2

This will be the first and probably the only time Pinkie Pie will go to my class. This environment was very new to Pinkie Pie. This environment was new to even me! Last year, my school was in a pretty area around my town Folsom, CA. We played near two tree during recess. It was a small area where the school once lived. But now my school is at a permanent building and everything is suddenly new. Even the principal was replaced. Fortunately, we already know the dude who is principal. He was the former principal of Olivia’s old school. My family knows him very well. Sadly, I’m not a fan of the landscaping near the school. All around the school is long thorny plants and dead yellow grass. To top it off the neighboring buildings are far away, The closest building to the school is a industrial looking airport. (This may sound made up, but it is very real.)

We came a bit early, there were some kids outside. Some were in their normal pants and T-shirts. Some kids were only wearing a part or two of their costumes. Some kids went totally overboard. One kid was wearing that costume with strong guy suit and body armor, he even had a crazy orange wig. I was going to look in the room and there were science materials right before my eyes. I wished there was something better to do at the party! “I don’t want to do science!” Me and Pinkie Pie protested to the teachers. For a while, it looks like bringing Pinkie Pie to class wasn’t the best idea. “Gross. I hate science goop!” Said Pinkie Pie. “I thought this was a art class!”.

Me and Pinkie Pie grouped up with the rest of the kids. All of them were girls and all of them were in their costumes. One of the kids was a purple M&M and one was in a donut costume. One kid was redhead who was dressed up as a pink and purple cat. The final one was Bella, who was dressed up as Stitch. She seems to have things she’d rather be doing every class. I sometime see her talking to her friend, this girl named Abbie at during class. Bella was dressed up as Stitch and Abbie was dressed up a a virus control dude.

First Pinkie Pie,Me and the other kids at school watched a short video about small conjoined parts. I was like “My ponies hair is these” “Me too!” Added Pinkie Pie. Next we went to work. We were going to make a two different slime type substances, A green goop and a yellow fake booger. I tried to carefully follow the instructions. The last time we did a experiment. We were finding a glob of a strawberry’s DNA, I remember leaving the class in tears because the experiment didn’t turn out well.

For the glob, Me and Pinkie took our starter cup, with glue and green dye off the tray. I went to get the first ingredient and poured it in the green glue. Then we put in the last ingredient, water. We put in two and half teaspoons of water. Then when I mixed the ingredients, I saw something wrong. I was expecting it to mix into something like the slime in Youtube gags and videos. But it the water didn’t Attract well. I thought the glue was dry “It glue is dry!” I tried to say to the teachers, but they didn’t respond. I wanted new wet glue. This is why I hate the science lessons in school. Nothing turns out the way I think it would turn out. Pinkie Pie even started to cry! But the teachers still wouldn’t respond. Bella tried to help, but she was just making it worse. Suddenly, the teachers announced that my result, a sticky, texture glob was normal for the experiment. Second, we did the boogers, they turned out great as well! I was starting to feel I bit better about the science lessons. Pinkie Pie was feeling relived as well. After we tested our solutions, we went for recess.

During recess while all of the foolish boys played with the basketballs. Me and Pinkie Pie flew together around the playground. When we went in, there were Halloween snacks, there were cupcakes and apple cider. Bella even handed out party favors! On the way home, me and pPinkie Pie shared a Ring pop for Bella’s candy bag and Elizabeth ate some Swedish fish.


Part 3 coming soon!

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